Shipping Policy
Please allow 1-3 days for processing before orders are shipped. All orders are processed through PayPal. You will be emailed confirmation of shipping including tracking information if applicable. Please note, not all orders will have tracking information. Please email [email protected] prior to placing your order if you have questions about our shipping policy or procedures.
High Hoppage ships throughout the continental United States of America with our primary shipping method being the United States Postal Service. Please allow 2-5 business days for delivery after processing. If we need to verify your shipping address at the request of PayPal, we will do so via email. Shipping to Alaska and Hawaii costs more and will take longer to arrive. Wisconsin state residents will be charged applicable sales tax.
All of our products, unless otherwise noted in the product description, are available to be shipped worldwide. We reserve the right to cancel and refund any international orders due to excessive shipping costs we would incur. Please allow additional time for these orders to arrive. Typically, we are only able to track shipments up until they leave the United States. Once again, please email us at [email protected] with any questions prior to placing your order.
All products and orders leave High Hoppage in new condition. The risk of loss or damage passes onto the customer once the package is delivered to the USPS or other shipping carrier. We ask customers to please contact the USPS or other shipping carrier immediately to make a claim if damage occurs during shipping.
Other shipping options may be added due to necessity or at the request of our customers at a later time. We are still working on adding additional shipping options at reasonable pricing within and outside of the continental USA.
High Hoppage ships throughout the continental United States of America with our primary shipping method being the United States Postal Service. Please allow 2-5 business days for delivery after processing. If we need to verify your shipping address at the request of PayPal, we will do so via email. Shipping to Alaska and Hawaii costs more and will take longer to arrive. Wisconsin state residents will be charged applicable sales tax.
All of our products, unless otherwise noted in the product description, are available to be shipped worldwide. We reserve the right to cancel and refund any international orders due to excessive shipping costs we would incur. Please allow additional time for these orders to arrive. Typically, we are only able to track shipments up until they leave the United States. Once again, please email us at [email protected] with any questions prior to placing your order.
All products and orders leave High Hoppage in new condition. The risk of loss or damage passes onto the customer once the package is delivered to the USPS or other shipping carrier. We ask customers to please contact the USPS or other shipping carrier immediately to make a claim if damage occurs during shipping.
Other shipping options may be added due to necessity or at the request of our customers at a later time. We are still working on adding additional shipping options at reasonable pricing within and outside of the continental USA.
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